Six Inch Easy Chiffon Cake
Chinese Food

Six Inch Easy Chiffon Cake Recipe

Chiffon cake is a dessert, it is a kind of sponge cake. The difference between the chiffon cake and a sponge cake is that chiffon cakes have vegetable oil in them, whereas sponge cakes do not. A chiffon cake is made with vegetable oil, eggs, sugar, flour, baking powder, and flavorings.  However, due to the lack of the rich aroma of butter cakes, chiffon cakes usually require rich juices, or toppings such as chocolate and fruit.

Since vegetable oil is not as easy to foam as butter (traditional cakes are made of butter), it is necessary to foam the eggs to provide enough air to support the volume of the cake. Chiffon cakes contain a sufficient amount of vegetable oil and eggs, so the texture is very moist and does not become hard like traditional butter cakes. Chiffon cakes also contain less saturated fat.

Chiffon cakes are typically baked in tube pans or layered with fillings and frostings.In the original chiffon cake recipe, the cake tin is not lined or greased, which enables the cake batter to stick to side of the pan, giving the cake better leverage to rise, as well as support in the cooling process when the cake is turned upside down to keep air bubbles stable.

Chiffon Cake History?

Invented in 1927 by an insurance broker in California named Harry Baker, but the recipe was not made public.

In 1947, General Mills bought the recipe from Harry Baker.

In 1948, General Mills released the secret recipe for chiffon cake in the May 1948 Better Homes and Gardens Magazine, and it became a nationwide sensation.

In the 1950s, General Mills sponsored a series of chiffon cake contests, chiffon cakes are becoming more and more popular,people came up with all flavors of this cake during that time.

Chiffon cake main Ingredients

3 eggs 45g flour
milk 35g Corn oil 30g
40g powdered sugar lemon juice


Easy Chiffon Cake Recipe

egg white and egg yolk

step 1

Separate the egg white from the yolk. The total weight of the egg with the shell is 140 grams. The container for the egg white must be free of oil, water and impurities. When separating the egg white, be careful not to have a drop of egg yolk in it, otherwise it will be difficult in a later step.

egg yolk

Step 2

Beat the egg yolks with a hand mixer, add 30 grams of corn oil, and beat evenly. Corn oil can be replaced with sunflower oil, salad oil(these lighter-flavored oils), but butter, vegetable oil, and olive oil are not recommended.

egg yolk in a bowl

Step 3

Then add 35 grams of milk and stir well, be sure to stir for a while to thoroughly mix the egg liquid with the oil and milk.

flour and egg yolk

Step 4

Add 45 grams of flour and mix well. When mixing, use an egg beater to gently stir back and forth in a Z shape. Do not stir in a circle to avoid tendons.


Step 5

The egg beater is lifted from the batter, the batter drips easily and smoothly from the egg beater without dry powder, the egg yolk paste is successfully mixed, and set aside for later use.

lemon juice into the egg whites

Step 6

Squeeze a few drops of lemon juice into the egg whites.If you don’t have lemon juice, you can use white vinegar instead. Beat the egg whites at high speed with an electric egg beater until the egg whites are foamy, add one-third of the powdered sugar.

What is Powdered sugar?
I put the white sugar in the food processor, and it comes out as powdered sugar.

egg white

Step 7

Continue to beat with an electric egg beater at high speed. When the egg white foam disappears, add a third of the powdered sugar.

egg white

Step 8

Continue to beat with the electric mixer on high speed, add the last third of the powdered sugar when it is foamy.

egg white

Step 9

Continue to beat until fine lines appear on the egg whites. Switch the electric egg beater to a low speed for a while. When you feel some slight resistance, stop beating to avoid defoaming. Pick up the egg beater and look at it, showing upright small sharp corners , just fine.

egg white and the yolk

Step 10

Use a spatula to take one-third of the egg whites into the egg yolk paste and mix evenly. Do not stir in a circle to avoid defoaming. Stir from the bottom like a stir-fry. Do not mix too heavily and use light techniques.

egg white and the yolk

Step 11

Pour all the mixed egg yolk paste into the egg whites, and stir evenly as you did just now. The movements should be quick and light.

egg white and egg yolk paste

Step 12

This is a mixed egg white and egg yolk paste, fine and smooth.


Step 13

Pour the mixed batter into a 6-inch movable bottom mold, and drop it a few times vertically from a height of about ten centimeters to shake out large bubbles.

batter in oven

Step 14

Put the mold into the preheated oven, bake the upper and lower layers at 130 to 140 degrees for 45 to 50 minutes, I have also baked it at 150 degrees, and it is slightly cracked, but it is said that the cracked chiffon tastes better, see if you like it, Everyone’s oven temperature will be different. It is recommended to buy a thermometer to measure the temperature of the oven, and observe the state of the cake during the baking process. If there is cracking, the temperature can be adjusted down ten degree, because the temperature is too high and it is easy to crack.

batter in oven

Step 15

Here’s what it looks like when it’s been baked for fifteen minutes. If your cake does not grow tall at this time, you can increase the temperature by 10 degrees. It may also be that the egg white and egg yolk paste defoamed during the mixing process, and the egg white and yolk paste is also defoamed. If it is not mixed well, or the egg whites are not beaten until hard foaming, these situations will cause the cake to fail to grow taller.

mold for cake

Step 16

After the cake is baked, quickly remove the cake from the oven while wearing insulating gloves, drop it vertically to shake out the heat, and then immediately put it upside down on the drying wire and let it cool down. It will slump and retract. You can put two bowls under the grill to let the heat escape better.

surface of chiffon cake

Step 17

This is the surface of the cake, the color is very uniform.

chiffon cake

Step 18

When you cut it open, the cake is very delicate and soft, and it tastes good in your mouth.

chiffon cake

Step 19

This chiffon is the result of trying several recipes, and I think it is very good. I recommend it to everyone.


It is said that psychologically, the more you know about a thing, the easier it is to fall in love with it. In China, desserts are not as popular as in France and Japan, and there are still a few people who love desserts. But I believe that more and more Chinese people will like desserts like chiffon cake in the future.


When baking this chiffon cake, you should pay attention to several details in the baking process.

1.Please do not open the oven door frequently during the baking process. the cold air will make the internal organization of the hurricane unstable.
2.How can you tell if a cake is done? Generally, the cake rushes to the highest point and then falls back. After it falls, it can be baked for ten minutes. Another method is to press the cake with your hand, and the cake will pop up quickly, indicating that it is cooked. If it is not cooked, you can extend the time or increase the temperature to bake for a while. If the cake is already dark in color but not yet cooked, cover it with tin foil and bake at a low temperature to prevent the color from being too dark.


Types of chiffon cake

1.Japanese chiffon cake

2.Chocolate chiffon cake

3.Orange Chiffon Cake

4.Black Glutinous Rice Chiffon Cake

5.Lemon Chiffon Cake

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