Showing 126 Result(s)
Rice recipe

Simple Rice Recipe

Much folklore is connected with rice. For instance, it’s considered a bad omen if you break a rice bowl any time of year but especially during Chinese New Year. It means you may lose your job or suffer some financial loss in the coming year, because, to lose your job, is to break your rice …

Chinese Cooking Utensils

6 Must-Have Chinese Cooking Utensils

1.Cleaver Why do Chinese chefs use cleavers? The cleaver is a tool for cutting. dicing. mincing, slicing. chopping. mashing and scooping meats and vegetables. It comes in various weights. The lighter ones are used for slicing. mincing. etc, while the heavier ones are for heavy chopping or disjointing a chicken into bite size pieces. Because …

Cheese tofu recipe
Chinese Food

Cheese tofu recipe video

Food is something that many people cannot refuse. With the opening of people’s horizons, people have invented a lot of creative dishes using various ingredients. These dishes are not only very good in appearance, but also richer in taste after mixing and matching. It makes people who make creative dishes feel infinite satisfaction, which is …